What is an educational indigenous instrument presentation?
So, would you like to know what an educational indigenous instrument presentation is?
An educational indigenous instrument presentation is a concept I created myself. With a large collection of indigenous instruments, I educate the audience on the various instruments, their functionality, history, cultural significance, how they are made, and demonstrations on how each is played. These presentations usually range from 1-2 hours, and can be both very informational and entertaining all age groups.
These started as simple instrument presentations when my 9 year old son was in pre-k. Going into different classes is a yearly event at each of my child’s schools. Starting out I only offered these presentations to each child’s class, now I usually present in front of the whole grade level, sometimes all of the student at once, sometimes multiple classes at once.
In the beginning I started with a small collection of instruments, now I offer a wide variety of instruments that I am capable of discussing. Some of these instruments I made myself, others made by fellow ethnomusicological instrument makers. This collection spans continents in origin, crosses cultures, and includes; numerous different drums, flutes, rattles, didgeridoos, and more. Sharing this cultural heritage mixed with discussions on the science of sound and live performance creates a vivid experience for all ages.
Audience consideration
Each age group is taken into consideration with every presentation. Determining each age groups capabilities is necessary to help create an experience the viewers fully enjoy and are able learn from. Hands on experience is also integrated to help sustain every viewers focus, no matter the age. Many times adding a music making circle afterward really helps set the presentations knowledge into the viewers mind.
Sharing these instruments is a positive way to introduce future generations to cultures they may not be very aware of. Many of the participants eyes widen with both excitement and intrigue, patiently listening for the next instrument to be played or for the next slice of knowledge or story to be shared. Learning about the customary uses, history, creation process, and hearing each instrument brings such joy to everyone who attends these presentations.
What each presentation includes:
- Mental trip across the globe touching base with each major continent and numerous cultures and time periods
- Detailed information on each instrument including;
- history
- cultural traditions
- how they are made
- science behind how each produces sound
- demonstrations
- Interactive inclusion of the audience via questions, hands on playing of instruments, and sometimes group music making
These presentations are great introductory lessons to proceed group music making and drum circles, giving the audience time to understand the instruments and view how they are played.
If you would like to learn more, or book a presentation for your group Feel free to contact me via the information below! 🙂
indigenous instrument education – visionary art & more
This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever read!!! ❤️❤️❤️