New AirBNB listing & Featured Article on Monolithic.com!
Archaic Roots now offers AirBNB rooms for workshop/retreat guests, or anyone wanting to experience staying in a Monolithic dome home!
The last few weeks have been a eye opening experience. After months of preparation for the eclipse event over the Archaic Roots property, the planned retreat evolved and was co-created into a beautiful experience for all whom attended! During preparation we starting listing a room in the dome on AirBNB, which has led to featured articles on the Monolithic.com. At the same time we have also been featured in a documentary about the eclipse, which was another awesome experience and blessing!
Now you can rent the guest room w/ private bathroom via AirBNB, this gives anyone the ability to experience living in a Monolithic dome or have a space to stay for our workshops and retreats. Stay overnight when you visit from out of town for any or our events! Enjoy the mountain life, with animals and forest galore. Learn more about our AirBNB listing below!
Monolithic.com Article
You can also see the article Monolithic.com wrote about our AirBNB listing here. Monolithic.com wrote a fantastic article about the first monolithic dome listed on AirBNB and what we are doing here at Archaic Roots.