History of our Dome Community- The Other Georgia
Published Aquarius Atlanta Magazine, August 1994- republished with permission from Don Martin (Editor) 2018
At first, the visitor may get the impression they’ve fallen through a time-warp. And in a way, they may be right. The rural mountains of North Georgia – even in 1994 – is not the locale most people expect to stumble on a collection of futuristic houses.
Located in the tiny town of Lakemont, this dome community development is set on a mountain top in luscious Rabun County, the back-drop for the movie “Deliverance” and the birthplace of the Foxfire series of books on lost mountain crafts.
But to the eclectic group of meta-physical scientists and thinkers, who constructed these geodesic domes, this area outside of Clayton is not only their current home, it may be a return to a space-fiction past.
“We’re the only dome community like this in the country,” said entrepreneur Peter Kelly. Peter is secretary-treasurer of Farside Land and Development Corp., developer of this New Age enterprise. His wife, Maryanne, serves as corporation president. “My idea was to have a community of like-minded individuals,” Peter said. “We haven’t done any advertising and within two years we had all the first available tracts sold.”
In many ways the enterprise resembles other mountain developments in the North Georgia region, but not everybody would find themselves at home there. Although there is no formal structure within the community, the residents are loosely bonded by a common interest in personal metaphysics and individual spiritual growth.
“I think the common thread that all the people who own domes up here are seeking God within,” said Maryanne. “We are very unorganized everybody is a strong individualist, but they all do not want to be living within the vibration of the mass consciousness that you find in the city.”
The Kellys feel that it is an inner knowing or intuition that brings people to the development. It is the general energy and free thinking consciousness of the place that seems to attract those people who find a home there.
Dome-owners include computer programmers, physicists, corporate executives, hotel owners, an astrologer, a neo-classical artist and alternative health care providers.
Peter believes many of the residents lived in the same location during a distant time when the area was known for its energy vortex. He said his experience in digging a 33 foot wide dome-covered cistern, known as “the Cistern Chapel,” bears this out.
“I was given channeled information that I am building on the same site where I had built a star-gate once before to travel between dimensions,” He said. “We dug down 45 feet and hit no rock whatsoever. The back-hoe operator said he had never dug more than a few feet without hitting bedrock. And what we were removing didn’t even look like normal dirt; it was a grayish material, like 10,000 year-old deteriorated concrete.”
The residential domes sit on individual wooded lots of three or more acres, carved out of Peter’s original tract of 150 acres. For those who wish to build a dome, Peter offers a five-daty course with equal classroom and on-site training. “We teach everything from shooting photos to shooting concrete,” Peter said.
In addition to the residential development, Farside also rents cottages and operates a conference center on the mountain. The 30-foot cottage-domes area available by the day or week and have fully equipped kitchens, living rooms and two queen size bedrooms.
The mountain scenery of the area is breathtakingly beautiful. “People come up here for a day and stay for a week,” Peter said. “We’ve got one guy who’s been here for nine months.”
Typical of the residents is Mark Woodhouse, an associate professor of philosophy at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Maintaining an apartment in the city where he lives four days per week, Mark drives two hours to Lakemont for long weekends in his dome house.
Owners like the dome construction for a variety of reasons, not the least of which are the economic. “It’s unbelievably energy efficient”, said Mark. “My house is heated by one small space heater and I have a single window-unit air conditioner.”
According to Peter, the domes are extremely well insulated. “The dome shape acts like a parabolic reflector to the Earth. It takes the heat in the ground and traps it in the dome during the winter and does the same thing with the cool in the summer.”
The basic dome structure comes in two varieties: geodesic, which like the outside of a soccer ball, combines five- and six-sided panels made from triangular frames to create its spherical shape and the monolithic style dome, a smooth shell resembling the surface of an egg. Both types are constructed of concrete with a polyurethane foam bonded to the outside.
The dome is probably the most disaster resistant building that can be built without going underground or into a mountain. Even being pounded by tornado force winds of 300 mph, according to a report by Monolithic Constructors, Inc., a dome would still have a safety margin of 1 1/2 times its minimal design strength.
Since a dome is essentially a half circle, it is geometrically the most space-efficient shape, providing the greatest amount of interior room for the least amount of exterior surface area. The dome’s circular shape also allows for a wide variety of interior layouts.
“I have about 1,850 square feet of living space and my dome is 40 feet in diameter,” Mark said. “It has two stories with three bedrooms and two baths.”
Domes are also less costly to build than conventional houses because putting up the outside structure is a simpler operation.
Acting as his own contractor, Mark spent around $85,000 for his mountain-top home. “Even so, if I had known how involved the process was, I wouldn’t have done it myself,” said the smiling home-owner.
Community of Homes is the Birthplace to Psychotronics
It may have been difficult, but well worth the effort for those who live among the free energies of the southern end of the Appalachian Mountains of Lakemont.
“My goal is to create a garden of Eden,” Said Maryanne, “a balanced place where people can come and live with inner freedom and with nature, not dominating nature, but living in dominion with it.”
But is it the garden of Eden? ” Not yet, but we’re working on it,” she added with a laugh. “If we can just clear out all this internal stuff.”
Is it possible for a device to purify tap water, recondition over-cultivated soil, eliminate pests and toxins from the soil or stimulate growth using only natural life-force energy?
Interdimensional Sciences, Inc., located in a 60-foot monolithic dome in Lakemont, Ga., and owned by Peter Kelly has been quietly developing and marketing such devices for several years.
Their unusual company offers a variety of products that use newly developed principles such as radionics, psychotronics and sounds projection. These products, invented by Peter, utilize the electromagnetic energy field or aura, that surrounds all living things.
For example, documented tests have shown that their Anapathic Water Purifier works without filtering, chemically treating or even coming into direct contact with the water itself. The same is true of Interdimensional’s psychotronic devices for soil treatment. Tests have shown that agriculture yields are increased and soil fertility improved without treatment and often using only a photograph of the crop or gardening plot.
“We area working with natural energies,” said Peter. “A man in Florida we work with is getting five times the yield of cucumbers as his neighbors and that is even during droughts.”
Another man planted energy treated corn seeds in alternating rows of three with untreated seeds. “The plants from the treated seeds were twice as tall as the others and had much more yield,” Peter said.
One of Peter’s most successful inventions is the BETAR, of Bio-Energetic Transduction Aided Resonance, which uses music and vibration to stimulate the human body’s energy centers or chakras.
The BETAR is designed to release stresses stored within the body and to aid in individual psychological transformation. The effects run from mild relaxation to monumental changes in one’s life.
“It all really depends on the intent of the person and their own developmental level,” Peter said. Individual BETAR sessions or “rides” are offered at Interdimensional’s head-quarters in Lakemont, at locations in Atlanta and across the country.
Interdimensional Sciences, Inc., can be found on the site below.