Drumming For Well-Being
5 Reasons Why Keeping a Beat can Keep You Healthy 21st century living isn’t for the faint of heart. Exhaustion, intense stress, and chronic pain seem to be
Talking Drums: Ancient Storytellers of West Africa
With origins in the Ghana Empire between the 7th and 13th centuries, the talking drum is one of the oldest instruments in West Africa, not to mention, one
The Sacred Sounds of Love- Native American Flute
Understanding the Native American Courting Flute Throughout history, many ancient musical instruments were more than just a means of producing pleasing sounds. They often had a deeper cultural
Didgeridoo Making Retreat in 2017
Archaic Roots will be hosting a didgeridoo making retreat in 2017! This retreat will be facilitated by Kennedy Oneself of Soul Medicine Vibrations out of Asheville, NC. The workshop/retreat
Archaic Roots Origin- how it started
I’ve been asked what’s the origin of Archaic Roots, and how did it all start. Below is a brief overview of the how it all began. What is
10 Awesome Benefits of Drumming
1. Drumming can benefit everyone involved Drumming doesn’t require any training, special talent, or advanced physical abilities. No need to be able to read sheet music or understand music
Drum Care (Frame Drum & Djembe)
Drums carry the beat of life, bridging the gap between the present and past. They have carried it since the dawn of civilization and will carry it far
Djembe Drum Building Workshops
Come join me while I walk guide you through the process of building your own djembe! The djembe drum building workshop is great is you want to learn